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12/16/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Last meeting of the year !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2024 at 02:06:23 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/18/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come have fun

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2024 at 02:01:15 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/26/2024 - RVMC EventCruise Cruise to Mabry Mill.

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will be meeting at the Lowes on 220 then travling the Blueridge Parkway south to Mabry Mill. Pack a lunch we will be eating lunch their.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/26/2024 at 07:48:31 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Come have fun

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2024 at 02:00:01 pm  Add event to your calendar

10/19/2024 - Show Puzzled Car show Lynchburg VA

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Join us

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/17/2024 at 09:48:33 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/05/2024 - RVMC EventCruise In Mustangs and Donuts

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Lets fill up the lot with mustangs!! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2024 at 02:08:56 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/17/2024 - RVMC EventShow Mabry Mill Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 We will meet at the Lowes on 220 and cruise south on the parkway. Pack your lunch for a pic nic !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/17/2024 at 09:56:26 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/16/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Hope to see you there ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2024 at 12:14:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/25/2024 - RVMC EventShow RVMC's 35th Annual Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come enjoy the cars ! 

Rvmc 2024 Flyer 3

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 08:55:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/20/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Let's plain some sommer cruises. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 02:19:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/18/2024 - RVMC EventCruise Back of the Dragon Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Leave the Park N Ride Exit 140 in Salem at 8:30 driving south on I-81 to exit 47 in Marion VA. We will stop at a couple rest stops on the way . will stop at the Walmart / Ingles shopping center. you can get gas, go to restrooms and get food there. then north on RT 16 ( The Back of the Dragon ) to Tazewell. Stopping at the Back of the Dragon Brewery Gift shop. They have picnic tables there to eat on. There is a food truck there too. we will leave there on RT 19 to Rt 61 to Gratton South on Rt 623 to Burkes Garden and cruise around God's Thumb Print. Back to out to RT 61 North to Narrows Va getting on RT 460 East to Pembrook VA stopping at Scoops Arcade for Ice Crean then to Christiansburg.  Per Google Maps 235 miles and Est 6 hours with stops.


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/11/2024 at 02:54:58 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/27/2024 - RVMC EventCruise In Mustangs and Donuts

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

See you there !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/19/2024 at 10:38:59 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/21/2024 - RVMC EventCruise Mustang day cruise on parkway

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at Lowes on 220 1:00 pm south to parkway then south to Smart View enjoying a picnic. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/19/2024 at 10:31:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2024 - RVMC EventCruise National Mustang Day !!

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Get your mustang out and go for a ride !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 08:44:20 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Time to have fun

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 02:16:41 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/05/2024 - RVMC EventShow Mustang Club Of America's 60 Annaversary

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

More to come

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/17/2023 at 12:11:43 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/23/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Kenny's Cruise/ Changed to Movie Day

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Rained out. Movie at Lydia's Italian Kitchen 1:00 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 08:42:10 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/18/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come Join in the fun !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2024 at 08:39:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/19/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come at 6:00 pm and eat . Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/03/2024 at 08:35:09 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/17/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting Bowling

Bowl from 12-2 - shoes included in price for 2 hours of bowling.

Created by Milly Clark on 01/27/2024 at 12:19:58 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/20/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Movie day

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at Jersey Lilly's at 12 for lunch and a movie. 1st will be American Graffiti 2nd will be Gumball Rally


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2023 at 08:23:01 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/15/2024 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Starting the year off!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/11/2023 at 12:50:02 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/18/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Last meeting of the year. 6:00 to eat . 7:00 meeting starts.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/24/2023 at 12:42:31 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/08/2023 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke City Christmas Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

More info to come.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2023 at 08:13:54 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/20/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come join the fun and good food.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/16/2023 at 12:23:18 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/12/2023 - Cruise Veterans Day Parade Floyd

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 The parade is at 2:00 pm not sure we can make that time. Maybe

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2023 at 08:12:04 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/11/2023 - Cruise Veterans Day Parade Roanoke

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet some where around Franklin Rd and Williamson RD down Town.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2023 at 08:07:11 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/28/2023 - RVMC EventCruise Swinging Bridge Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at the Park n ride at exit 140 Salem VA 10:00 am and cruise over 311 enjoying the ride

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2023 at 08:03:13 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2023 - Show Puzzeled car show

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Hope to see you there.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2023 at 08:04:33 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/16/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come join in the fun and good food.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/16/2023 at 12:24:34 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/18/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come join in ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/22/2023 at 08:55:43 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/17/2023 - RVMC EventCruise Cruis down the parkway to Floyd

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at Lowes 220 1:00pm leave by 1:30 cruising parkway south stopping at overlooks will get off parkway at Tuggle's gap / RT 8 north to Floyd then east on RT 122 to Roanoke stopping at Americian Pie Restarant to eat.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/22/2023 at 09:04:22 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/21/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting Monthly meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 6:00 pm to eat Meeting starts at 7:00.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/28/2023 at 02:54:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/17/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come Join us ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/05/2023 at 12:00:05 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/16/2023 - RVMC EventCruise Head of the dragon to the Back of the Dragon Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at the park n ride in Salem off exit 140. leaving 9:00am to Elkhorn WV. then cruise around the head of the dragon and then dow the Back of the dragon . It Will be an all day event!  

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/05/2023 at 11:58:18 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/19/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come join the club at our new meeting place ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/16/2023 at 01:13:26 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/20/2023 - RVMC EventCruise RVMV Dam Cruis

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at 1314 Riverland Rd Se Roanoke at 11:00am and cruise over 116 to Smith mountain Lake Dam. Bring your lunch and chait and enjoy the day and friends. will stop by the Home Stead on way back for Ice Cream. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/16/2023 at 01:08:04 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/06/2023 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 34th Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round-Up

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

Registration begins at 8:00am and ends at noon.


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/10/2023 at 04:53:29 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/22/2023 - Show 28th Annual Valley Mustang Unlimited show

8:30 to 3 Saturday April 22 2023

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/13/2023 at 02:52:03 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

Dinner begins at 6:30pm and the meeting begins at 7:00pm.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2023 at 07:38:23 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2023 - RVMC EventCruise In National Mustang Day at T,J's

Meet at T,J's 9 to 12 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/13/2023 at 02:48:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/20/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Getting geared up for our 34th annual show !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/28/2023 at 01:43:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/19/2023 - RVMC EventCruise March Cruise

Will meet at Back Creek Elementry School 1:00pm cruise up Bent mountain to The Blue Ridge Parkway, South to RT 8 then south on RT 8 to Woolwine then east on RT 40 to Rocky Mount stopping at Buddys BBQ to eat. maybe Dairy Queen at Plateau Plazza too 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/28/2023 at 01:52:48 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/05/2023 - Show MDA Car Show

Come Out !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/28/2023 at 01:45:06 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/04/2023 - Show MDA Car Show

Come Out !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/28/2023 at 01:44:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/20/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting Monthly Club Meeting

Arrive starting at 6 to eat and meeting begins at 7

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/09/2023 at 04:48:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/16/2023 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Our first meeting .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/21/2022 at 02:13:05 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/19/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 End of the year meeting

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/27/2022 at 11:56:13 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/09/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke City Christmas Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Contact Bobby if you want to join in.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:49:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/21/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

New meeting location . Mac & Bob's Salem va 6pm to eat meeting starts at 7pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:45:36 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/17/2022 - Meeting Board meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Las one for the year. at Sal's on 460

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/09/2022 at 02:14:23 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/13/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Floyd Veterans day Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Floyd's Veterans day parade line up is at 2:00pm Parade starts at 3:00pm. after we will go to American Pie Restaurant to eat. We wii meet at Back creek Elementary school at 12:30 and leave by 12:45pm riding up bent Mountain and getting on the parkway going south to Tuggle's Gap then North on rout 8 to Floyd.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:48:03 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/12/2022 - Meeting Roanoke's Veterans day parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet on Willimason Road and Jefferson to find out where in the lineup we are. Lineup starts at 8:30 to 10:30.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/10/2022 at 08:54:41 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/17/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

New meeting location . Jersey Lily's 419 across from Lewis Gale Hospital. 6pm to eat meeting starts at 7pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:36:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/09/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Swinging Bridge Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at Pinkerton Chevy ay 1:00pm and cruise up 311 to paint Bank and eat !! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:41:43 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/08/2022 - RVMC EventCruise In Mustangs and coffee

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Starts at 8:00am to 12:00pm All Mustangs welcome !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2022 at 05:31:35 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/19/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting Robert LaPrade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Club meeting befor Pic Nic 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/27/2022 at 11:54:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/27/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Cruise to Kenny's

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at the food line I'm on 460 the in Bonsack at 10 am   Cruise the Blue Ridge Parkway to buenavista and Lexington Stopping at Kenny's to eat then South on route 11 to Buchanan stopping for Ice cream

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/26/2022 at 11:56:44 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/15/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Club meeting lets have fun

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/27/2022 at 11:52:50 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/18/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come eat and have fun

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/27/2022 at 11:50:52 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/17/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Back of the Dragon Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at the park and ride off exit 140. Leave by 1:15pm crusing south 81 to exit 47 in Marion then to RT 16 the Back of the Dragon. will come back via 460 to Roanoke. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/21/2022 at 02:52:56 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/09/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Donation day !

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet on mill mountain 9:30 am and do our annual donation at 10:00. Then drive down to the VMT and do our donatinon at 11:00am. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/27/2022 at 11:45:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/25/2022 - Cruise Miss Virginia Padgett Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Please let Bobby Know fi you are willing to help!!!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2022 at 12:15:35 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/25/2022 - Show Star City Motor Madness

Hop to see you !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/15/2022 at 12:52:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/24/2022 - RVMC EventCruise In Star City Motor Madness Cruise night

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at City Line Auto. ( Same parking lot as before ) after 5:00pm. Luis and I will have Bar B Q and HotDogs . Members are welcome to bring side dishes. Also Bring Your chairs and beverage. We will have a great time watching trafic and felloshiping. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2022 at 12:11:50 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/18/2022 - RVMC EventShow Gate City Triad Mustang Club's 38th Annual show

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Club members encuraged to go ! Will meet at Lowes on 220. leave out at 7:30am. Stopping in Collinsville for Breakfast then to the show ariving around 10:00am.  It will be hot! Bring a full cooler. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/21/2022 at 02:18:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/03/2022 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

June 3,4,5 2022 More info to come

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2021 at 11:08:37 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/21/2022 - RVMC EventCruise Peaks of Otter Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at the Food Lion 460 leaving by 10:00am crusing The Blueridge Parkway stopping at many overlooks then at The Peaks of Otter Lodge. Afterwards we will cruise over 43 to Bedford to The Liberty Station Restarant to eat. Please RSVP to Bobby they would like a head count. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/16/2022 at 11:31:28 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/16/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 We eat at 6pm and meeting starts at 7pm .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:42:02 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/07/2022 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 33rd Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round-Up

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

Registration begins at 8:00am and ends at noon.

2022 Flyer

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 03/27/2022 at 08:31:55 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/23/2022 - RVMC EventShow 27th Annual Valley Mustangs Unlimited car show

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at the Hardee's in Troutville and plan to leave out by 8:00 am cruising north on I-81

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/22/2022 at 02:50:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/18/2022 - Meeting RVMC club meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 We eat at 6pm and meeting starts at 7pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:40:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/16/2022 - RVMC EventShow National Mustang Day at Martinsville Speedway

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meeting at the Lowes on 220 by 7:30 Then cruising down to collinsville stopping at the McDonalds for breakfast leaving by 8:45. Then to the track ariving at 9:00am.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:31:49 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/09/2022 - Meeting Judging seminar

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at the Magic City's use car lot.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/08/2022 at 12:06:39 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/01/2022 - Show Pee Dee Round up Natiol show

More info to come.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/03/2021 at 08:52:35 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/21/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 We eat at 6pm and meeting starts at 7pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:38:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/05/2022 - RVMC EventShow MDA Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Roanoke Civic Center.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/08/2022 at 10:30:11 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/21/2022 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We eat at 6pm And start meeting at 7pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:37:29 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/17/2022 - Meeting RVMC Board/ Car show meeting

Let's talk car show.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/08/2022 at 10:00:08 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/05/2022 - RVMC EventCruise In February Bowling

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come to have fon Bowling or socializing. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/20/2022 at 12:35:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/17/2022 - Meeting RVMC club meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Our First Club meeting of the year 6pm to eat Meeting starts at 7pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/29/2021 at 02:24:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/20/2021 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

More to come.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/22/2021 at 09:03:23 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/10/2021 - Cruise In Roanoke City Christmas Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

6:30pm line up starts at 5:00pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2021 at 11:30:54 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/15/2021 - RVMC EventShow RVMC club meeting

Last meetin for Food Drive.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2021 at 02:46:20 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/14/2021 - RVMC EventShow Floyd Veterans Day Parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Assembly for the parade is 2:00 PM at the Mayberry Funeral home and starts at 3:00 PM. It will proceed North on route 8, then right at the stop light and end on route 615 (Barberry Rd).

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/14/2021 at 01:33:50 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/13/2021 - Show Full Throttle Fall Fest

November 13 - 14, 2021 -- Danville, VA
Full Throttle Fall Fest 

Link is posted ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2021 at 02:44:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/11/2021 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMV Board Meeting

Meet at 6:30 pm 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/28/2021 at 10:11:39 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/06/2021 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke Veterans Day Parade

Meet downtown Jefferson and Williamson RD at 9:30 am

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/14/2021 at 01:47:52 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/31/2021 - RVMC EventCruise RVMC at Martinsville

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

For those who was at Natinal Mustang day !!! we will meet at the 220 Lowes at 8:00am leave 8:15am cruise down to Collinsville stoping for breakfast then head in together for the race. Milly will be Down there in her camper and we will tailgate there. I will bring my grill along with the Hotdogs and Hambergers. bring you drings and snacks. .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2021 at 02:48:31 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/30/2021 - RVMC EventCruise Swinging Bridge Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at Pinkerton Cheverlet at 11:00am leave by 11:30 it's a 1 hr cruise up. eat at 12:30 ish then if anyone would like to contenue on to covington to the Hump back bridge . then back to Roanoke via 64/ 220.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/28/2021 at 09:37:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/18/2021 - Meeting RVMC club meeting

Come join us ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2021 at 02:39:54 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/20/2021 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC club meeting

Come eat and enjoy.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2021 at 02:38:50 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/14/2021 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 32nd Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round-Up

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Registration begins at 8:00am and closes at 12:00Noon.

2021 Flyer

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/23/2021 at 10:44:10 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/19/2021 - RVMC EventMeeting Club meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

See you there.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/23/2021 at 10:48:37 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/26/2021 - Show Star City Motor Madness Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Come out and enjoy all the cars and help rase money for the Virginia Museum of Transportation.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/23/2021 at 10:35:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/25/2021 - RVMC EventCruise In Star City Motor Madness Cruise Night

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at the Fast Auto Loans on Williamson Rdstarting at 5pm. I will be cooking Hotdogs. Side dishes and deserts are welcome. Bring your chairs and drinks and have fun!!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/23/2021 at 10:32:42 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2021 - RVMC EventMeeting Club meeting

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/23/2021 at 10:45:43 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/05/2021 - RVMC EventCruise Cruise the Back of the Dragon

Phone: 540-293-0118  

·       We will meet at the Park and Ride off I-81 Exit 140 10:00am.

·       South on I-81 stopping at rest stop along the way as needed.

·       Meeting up at the Walmart on the corner of US-11 / Lee Hwy and VA-16 / B F Buchanan Hwy in the lower parking lot near the Valero Gas station.

·       Leave lot at and head North on VA-16 / Buchanan Hwy 13.4 Miles.

·       Turn Left to stay on VA-16 Buchanan Hwy 15.9 Miles.

·       Turn right on US-19 / US-460 / Crab Orchard Rd Business north 2.1 Miles to the Back of the Dragon Gift shop 2.1 Miles.

·       Then continue East on Bus-US-19 / US-460 Main St to the Back of the Dragon Parking out front and around block to back parking lot 0.2 miles.

·       We will continue East on Bus-US-19 / US-460 Main St to VA-61 2.4 miles.

·       Turn right on Va-61 to US-52 36 miles.

·       Us-52 Scenic Hwy to Big Walker Mountain Lookout 21.6 Miles.

·       Continue south on US-52 Stoney Fork Rd to Rte 717 4.0 Miles.

·       Turn Left on Rte 717 Krenning Rd follow to VA-601 Little Creek Hwy 6.3 Miles.

·       Continue on VA-601 Little Creek Hwy to VA-100 25.2 miles.

·       Right turn on VA-100 south to Dublin and Us-11 8.0 Miles.

·       Left to enter US-11 Follow all the way back to Salem VA.

·       Depending on time we may stop at the Cracker Barrel in Christiansburg for dinner.( Optional )

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/18/2021 at 12:43:31 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2021 - RVMC EventCruise In National Mustang Day Cruise To Martinsville Speed way

Phone: 540-293-0118  

A Cruise to the Martinsville Speedway. Will meet that mornong and cruise down to Collinsville stopping for breakfast then on to the Speedway. Pack a lunch!! I will bring my small grill to cook Hotdogs on If you bring yours and use my grill.  PLEASE PRE REGESTER by calling Alex at 276-956-7226.  All mustang owners are welcome. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/03/2021 at 01:58:04 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/14/2021 - Show Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to your Mustang !!!  Buy parts  :-)

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/03/2021 at 02:00:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/02/2020 - RVMC EventShow Due to The Coronavirus Show is postponed .

More info to come by June ! Stay healthy !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/06/2020 at 02:33:43 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/16/2020 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

Meet at 6pm to eat meeting starts at 7pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/20/2019 at 09:56:40 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/14/2020 - RVMC EventCruise In St Patrick's day Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

If you want to join in on the fun contact Bobby for all the details. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:48:26 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/08/2020 - RVMC EventShow MDA CAR SHOW

Come out and suport our club and enjoy the cars.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:43:08 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/07/2020 - Show MDA CAR SHOW

Come out and help supory our club and enjoy the cars.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:45:50 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/06/2020 - RVMC EventShow MDA CAR SHOW

Come out and help supory our club and enjoy the cars.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:45:01 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/17/2020 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

Meet at 6pm to eat meeting will start at 7pm. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/20/2019 at 09:54:56 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/09/2020 - RVMC EventCruise In February Bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at bowling aley at 1:00pm and have fun come join in . good food too ! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:36:27 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/06/2020 - RVMC EventMeeting Car Show / Board Meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at 6:30pm eat and conduct busnis .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/30/2020 at 10:39:21 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/20/2020 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Club Meeting

Arive at 6pm to eat Meeting starts at 7pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/18/2019 at 11:16:56 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/16/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Last Monthly meeting of 2019 at Lydia's Italian Kitchen

in Salem VA.

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/13/2019 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke City Christmas Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will start line up at Albemarle ave and Jefferson st .5:00 pm RAIN or SHINE. Contact Bobby if you plain on going !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/11/2019 at 01:06:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/18/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/10/2019 - RVMC EventCruise Floyd Veterans day Parade

We will meet at Lowes 220 and leave at 1:00 pm and cruise the parkway to Floyd . Afterwards we will be going to The Pine Tavern To Eat !!!! Please Join in !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/11/2019 at 01:01:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/09/2019 - RVMC EventCruise Veterans day Parade Roanoke.

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet on Franklin rd at Williamson rd.9:00 am line up

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/11/2019 at 12:55:21 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/07/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting November Carshow meeting .

meet 6:30 pm eat and meeting start at 7pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/11/2019 at 12:51:36 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/05/2019 - Show Puzzle car show

 Look on Facebook or call Bobby.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/02/2019 at 02:28:50 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/21/2019 - RVMC EventCruise In Kenny's & Goads Car show / Hulls Drive Inn.

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Cruise up to Lexington to the Kenny's & Goads car show cruise in. afterwards go to the Hulls Drive Inn with the Virginia Mustangs Unlimited club.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2019 at 08:15:51 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/16/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/31/2019 - Show Mustang Cluc of America Grand National show

I'll be there.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/02/2019 at 02:27:15 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/30/2019 - Show Mustang Club of America Grand Natinal show

I'm going up Friday Morning.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/02/2019 at 02:25:34 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/19/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/17/2019 - Show Star city Cruisers 29 Annual car show

I hope to see you there.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/02/2019 at 02:22:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/10/2019 - Show 4th Annual Smoky Mountain Mustang Invasion 2019

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Crusing down Thursday Night. Staying at The Creekstone Inn show is Saturday.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/02/2019 at 02:18:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/15/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/29/2019 - Show Star City Motor Madness car show

More info to come

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 11:09:03 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/28/2019 - RVMC EventCruise In Star City Motor Madness Cruise in

We will meet up at Fast Auto loans on Williamson rd . Bring your chairs and enjoy the cars ! Food ? Bobby will be making Hot dogs and Luis will have Bar B Q. You need to bring sides and beverages .


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 11:07:53 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/22/2019 - RVMC EventCruise Liberty station Cruise

We will meet at the Food Lion 460 Bonsack at 10:00 am  and cruise North on Parkway to Peaks of Otter then south on 43 to Bedford to Liberty Station to eat ! Bring a friend !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/31/2019 at 12:57:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/17/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/15/2019 - RVMC EventShow Gate City Triad Mustang show ( Cancelled )

Due to the death in family We will not be going.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/31/2019 at 01:02:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/20/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/04/2019 - RVMC EventShow Roanoke Valley Mustang Club 31st Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round Up


31st Annual Show.  Prizes, food vendors on site.


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/21/2019 at 04:34:09 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website


Come join us.


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/14/2019 at 11:16:18 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website


Come Join us as we celibrate 55 years of Mustangs.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/14/2019 at 11:13:16 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/14/2019 - RVMC EventCruise National Mustang Day Cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at Hardee's in Troutville and cruise up RT 11 and meet the Waynesboro Mustang Club at the Pink Cadillac and eat . Invite other Mustangers !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/08/2019 at 02:43:10 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/11/2019 - Meeting RVMC Car show Meeting

Car show meeting

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/14/2019 at 11:08:37 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/18/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/16/2019 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke City St Patrick's Day Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Decorate you and your Mustang for St Patrick's day !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/29/2019 at 09:03:19 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/14/2019 - Meeting Board Meeting

6:30 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:36:42 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/09/2019 - RVMC EventCruise RVMC Cruise to Christiansburg

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet in salem at the Northwest True Value Hardware store west main street At 10:00 am.            and cruise south on RT 11/West 460 to Christiansburg.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/24/2019 at 07:34:17 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/18/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/09/2019 - RVMC EventCruise In RVMC Bolling 2019

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meet 12:30 Saturday Febuary 9th We get Free shoe rental . $3.75 per game . Trophy to the one with the highest score ! Hope to see you there .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/14/2019 at 10:58:26 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/07/2019 - Meeting RVMC Car show meeting


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/14/2019 at 11:06:13 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/21/2019 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/17/2019 - Meeting Board Meeting

Meet 6:30 we shal eat and plain our 2019 year :-)

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:35:05 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/17/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting at Sal's on 460

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will talk about the fun we had in 2018 and what we would like to do in 2019

 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/14/2018 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke city Christmas parade

line up starts at 5 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:44:20 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/19/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting FOOD DRIVE TOO!!!

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/15/2018 - Meeting Board meeting

last board meeting of 2018

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:04:33 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/11/2018 - Cruise Floyd's Veterans day parade

We will meet at Lowes on 220 at 11:15 leave by 11:30 to ride The Blueridge Parkway to RT 8 north to Floyd. After parade we will stop by The Pine Tavern to eat .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:22:55 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website


Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/02/2018 at 08:09:22 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/20/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

10/15/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/17/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/15/2018 - Show Central Virginia Mustang clubs 34 annual show

Check there website

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 09:45:35 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/15/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/15/2018 - Cruise T & T Ford road rally

Begans at 9 am . hope to see you there !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 09:58:05 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/03/2018 - Show Mustang week begins.

sept 3-9 2018

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/19/2017 at 01:40:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/01/2018 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/20/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/18/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/18/2018 - Show VA medical center car show

Hope to see you there

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 09:39:13 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/11/2018 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/11/2018 - Show Smoky Mountain Mustang Invasion

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will be leaving Friday Aug 10,2018 at 9 am to cruise to TN. Call Bobby For more info

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/07/2018 at 09:29:08 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/04/2018 - RVMC EventShow 24 th Annual Valley Mustangs Unlimited cruise in

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet in Troutville at the Hardee's 8:00 am Leave 8:15 Come earlyer to eat breakfast.

VMU 2018 Flyer 6-25-18

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/18/2018 at 10:32:36 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/04/2018 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/21/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/16/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website


Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/02/2018 at 01:30:02 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/14/2018 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/07/2018 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/30/2018 - Show Back of the Dragon cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 Will meet with other mustangs at the Walmart in Marion 10 am and cruise up to Tazewell then cruise back to Wythville stopping in to eat at sage brush.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/13/2018 at 08:34:41 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/23/2018 - Show Star City Motor Madness Car show

all are welcome

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/22/2018 - RVMC EventCruise In Star City Motor Madness Cruise

Come enjoy the night and the people we will have bar-b-q and hot dogs with fixings! Members are welcome to bring side items, drinks and deserts.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/18/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/17/2018 - Show HAPPY FATHERS DAY !!!


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/13/2018 at 08:42:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/16/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/09/2018 - RVMC EventShow Gate city Triad Mustang club's show

Phone: 540-293-0118  

we will meet at the lowes on 220 7:30 am and cruise south stopping in collinsville to eat.then to Greensboro NC.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/25/2018 at 09:36:23 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/09/2018 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/03/2018 - RVMC EventCruise Cruise to The Swinging Bridge

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at Pinkerton Chevy dealership at 1:30 pm then cruise up 311 to paint bank VA.   Please invite a friend !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/25/2018 at 09:28:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/02/2018 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/21/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting for The Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will be holding ELECTIONS !! and discussing old & new business. Planning up coming events.

Come early 6:00pm and enjoy dinner . Meeting starts at 7:00pm

You are welcome to bring a friend !!!


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/19/2017 at 01:33:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/19/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/12/2018 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/05/2018 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/05/2018 - RVMC EventShow Roanoke Valley Mustang Club 30th Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round Up


30th Annual Show.  Prizes, food vendors on site.


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/19/2017 at 01:35:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/21/2018 - RVMC EventCruise National Mustang Day Cruise

WE will meet at Lowes 220 7:30 am cruise south stoping in collinsville for gas & eats. then to the tractor suply in Ridgeway meeting with the Blueridge mustang club. then east on 58 to Dan Daniels Park in Danville meeting up with Peadmont Mustang club. then we will cruise north up 29 to Greatna west on 40 and go to Smith Mountain lake Dam. pack a lunch we will be eating there. enjoy the dam the cars and the people !!  Bring a friend ALL MUSTANGS ARE WELCOME !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/20/2018 at 02:43:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/21/2018 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2018 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/16/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting for The Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will be discussing old & new business. Planning up coming events.

Come early 6:00pm and enjoy dinner. Meeting starts at 7:00pm

You are welcome to bring a friend !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/19/2017 at 01:28:37 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/14/2018 - Cruise Cruise to Pink Cadillac Restarant

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We eill be meeting at the Wal Mart Bonsack neer garden center 11:30 am

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/11/2018 at 08:45:36 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/14/2018 - Show Step 2018 Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-483-5142  

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Street rods, muscle cars, classics and trucks are welcome! Registration for car owners will be $15, with trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and People's Choice. Admission for the viewing public is free.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 03/12/2018 at 05:54:48 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/19/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of The Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will be discussing old & new business. Planning up coming events.

come early 6:00pm and enjoy Dinner. Meeting starts at 7:00pm

You are welcome to bring a friend !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/18/2017 at 01:32:51 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/17/2018 - RVMC EventCruise St Patrick's Day Parade

INFO coming

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/01/2018 at 02:56:31 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/15/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting Rvmc Board Meeting


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/01/2018 at 03:16:07 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/02/2018 - RVMC EventShow MDA Car show

Starts Friday March 3 ends Sunday March 5

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/19/2017 at 01:47:07 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/19/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of The Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will be discussing old & new business. Planning Up coming events

Come early 6:00pm and enjoy dinner Meeting starts at 7:00pm

You are welcome to bring a friend !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/18/2017 at 01:27:09 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/10/2018 - RVMC EventCruise In RVMC BOWLING

Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/16/2018 at 06:55:38 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/15/2018 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of The Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

We will be discussing old & new Business. Planning up coming events

Come early 6:00pm and enjoy dinner Meeting starts at 7:00pm

You are welcome to bring a friend !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/18/2017 at 01:20:54 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/18/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/09/2017 - Cruise Cruise to Martinsville speedway

A group is meeting at lowes to cruise down together. A new  Unraped toy or $10.00 will get you laps around the track. 



Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/23/2017 at 09:08:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/09/2017 - RVMC EventShow Roanoke City Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meeting the same place same time. contact Bobby

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/20/2017 at 10:48:58 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/20/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/12/2017 - Cruise Vetrans day parade Floyd VA

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at lowes 220 at 12 noon and cruise the Parkway to RT 8 then north to floyed after Parade stop at the Pine Tavern to eat . The Parade starts at 3pm line up is at 2pm.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:44:52 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/11/2017 - RVMC EventCruise Vetrans day parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

8 to 10 am - line up on franklin rd/williamson rd

10:30 to 11am -ready line

11am parade starts!




Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:41:18 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/28/2017 - RVMC EventCruise Cruise to Wood Brothers Garage

More info to come

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:31:30 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2017 - RVMC EventCruise In Cars and Coffee

Phone: 540-293-0118  

The cars and coffiee Oct cruise-in, is hosted by the RVMC 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. we will be showing our cars in the railyard club members are ask to show up at 8 am to get parked. More info on Facebook . or call Bobby

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/29/2017 at 08:15:50 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

10/16/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/18/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/16/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/09/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/02/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/21/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/19/2017 - Show 27th Annual Star City Cruisers Car Truck & Cycle Show

Dash Plaques will be given to the first 100 registrants. Awards for top 50 phis vehicles Registration is from 9 am-11 a.m.* Awards will be presented @ 3:00pm
Pre-Registration fee is $15.00,[if postmarked by Aug. 1s1 Day of Show Registration is $20.00 Star City Cruisers promoting aid to The Veterans Voluntary Support Service Charity

CAR SHOW_1 Flyer

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:29:45 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/19/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/12/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/12/2017 - RVMC EventCruise In rvmc paint party

Phone: 540-293-0118  

more info to come . call Bobby


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/19/2017 at 03:12:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/12/2017 - Cruise the Jeniffer Short cruise

In Martinsville Va

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:27:23 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/05/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/17/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/15/2017 - RVMC EventCruise July cruise to Kenny's

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at the Bonsack Walmart 10 am Neer Garden center to cruise up Rt 11 to eat lunch at Kenny's then cruise back down Rt 11 and stop by the Pink Cadillac for ice cream !!  

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:21:34 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/15/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/08/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/01/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/24/2017 - Show Star City Motor Madness Car show

all are welcome

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/20/2017 at 01:11:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/23/2017 - RVMC EventCruise In STAR CITY MOTOR MADNESS

Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/02/2017 at 01:10:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/19/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/17/2017 - RVMC EventShow Gate city Triad Mustang Club's 35th anniversary Mustang & Ford powered Celebration

Phone: 540-293-0118  

RVMC will meet at Lowes 220 7:30 am to cruise down . will stop in Collinsville to eat .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/06/2017 at 11:57:42 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/17/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/10/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/03/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/20/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/20/2017 - Cruise VA Hospital parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at 9 a.m. to line up at the Veterans Hospital Cruise the campus sporting our cars and red white and blue

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/31/2017 at 11:31:47 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/15/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/13/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/06/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/06/2017 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 29th Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Round Up

Registartion begins at 8:00am, closes at Noon.  Goody bag for the first 100 attendees.  Proceeds to benefit the Mill Mountain Zoo and the Virginia Museum of Transportation.



Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/19/2017 at 06:31:21 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/23/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Car Show Judges Meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet there at !:00 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/20/2017 at 11:36:07 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2017 - Show Car Club at Virginia Tech Show

Come on out for the Car Club at Virginia Tech's Spring Car Show. Entry fee is $5 for all non-CCVT members/alumni. The show is for all types of vehicles! New, old, fast, slow, and everything in between. Trophies available for Domestic, Asian, Euro, 4x4, Motorcycles, and Best in Show.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 03/16/2017 at 07:05:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2017 - RVMC EventCruise National Mustang Day Cruise


We will meet at Lowes 220 by 8 am and cruise south to Martinsville.  There we will meet up with the Martinsville club and cruise with them to Danville and then up 29 to Lynchburg.  We will be stopping at the D-Day Memorial at a group price of $8.00 per person.  Plan to bring correct change that will be collected in Martinsville to make the purchase of tickets easier.  Plan to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy at the D-Day Memorial picnic area.  We will then cruise back to Roanoke,  By then ice cream would be good .  Bobby LaPrade

Created by Milly Clark on 04/06/2017 at 09:36:05 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2017 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/08/2017 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/04/2017 - RVMC EventShow Board/carshow meeting

meeting at 7 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/31/2017 at 12:17:48 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/01/2017 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

03/20/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/05/2017 - Show 37th MDA Car Show

10am - 5pm Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc. FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction TICKET PRICING: Adults $12.00 Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE! Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/04/2017 - Show 37th MDA Car Show

9am - 10pm Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc. FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction TICKET PRICING: Adults $12.00 Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE! Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/03/2017 - Show 37th MDA Car Show

5pm - 10pm Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc. FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction TICKET PRICING: Adults $12.00 Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE! Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/25/2017 - RVMC EventCruise In February bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

will meet at 12:30pm and bowl ! eat ! and have a drink ! and most of all socialize and have fun free shoe rental and $3.65 per game .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/16/2017 at 09:12:04 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/20/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/21/2017 - RVMC EventCruise In GUNS AND HOSES HOCKEY


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/23/2016 at 07:56:08 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/16/2017 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/20/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:00PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/10/2016 - RVMC EventCruise Toy Drive at the Martinsville Speedway

On Saturday Dec. 10, 2016 there will be a Toy Drive at the Martinsville Speedway. Donate a new unwrapped toy and get to take 5 laps around the track. Clay Campbell (president of the track) will give rides in a 2 seated LMS car for a $50 cash donation. More details on the track's website and on their Facebook page.
We are thinking of meeting at Lowe's on 220 & leaving Roanoke about 9 a.m. Saturday morning. Let us know if you are interested. As always weather permitting.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/05/2016 at 06:57:10 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/17/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting Guns & Hoses


Guns and Hoses is an annual charity ice hockey tournament played in Roanoke, Virginia, to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the official charity of the International Association of Firefighters. Last year alone, the I.A.F.F. raised more than $25 million for the MDA through events such as this.

Each year, local Roanoke-area firefighters (the "Hoses") take on a team of local Roanoke-area police officers and law enforcement personnel (the "Guns"). During the last 10 years, Roanoke's Guns and Hoses has raised more than $133,000 for the MDA, and more than 33,000 people have attended the games.

We'd like to thank our sponsors and fans for their continued support in making Guns & Hoses not only possible, but a huge success and blessing to those benefiting from the MDA and the work they do. Thank you!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 11/17/2016 at 06:19:10 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/15/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/10/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Board Meeting

Meeting at 7:00pm

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 08/16/2016 at 07:42:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/05/2016 - RVMC EventShow Roanoke's Veterans day parade

Lineup starts at 9:30 at Franklin and Williamson Road call Bobby for more info 540.293.0118 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/19/2016 at 10:22:43 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/29/2016 - Show NRCC Auto Tech Cruise In

The New River Community College Automotive Technology Department is sponsoring a cruise in at our Dublin campus on October 29, 2016, from 10am-4pm.


The funds raised from Campus Cruise In will be used to update our program and equipment. We are also sponsoring Campus Cruise In to raise awareness of the variety of programs that are available to the public here at New River Community College.

Each car that wants to be judged by the students is required to pay a $10.00 registration fee in advance or at the door.

Comic Con 3 is also on the same day


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 08/27/2016 at 07:31:32 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/29/2016 - RVMC EventCruise Wood Brothers Racing Museum

Meeting at Lowe's on 220 at 7:30am, after visiting the museum, cruise to the Pine Tavern for lunch

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 08/16/2016 at 07:46:18 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/22/2016 - RVMC EventCruise RVMC Cruise to the New River Gorge Bridge

Will be meeting at the Krogers in Daleville at 8 am to drive up. Call Bobby if you need more info. 540.293.0118 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/18/2016 at 09:41:41 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/18/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/15/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

10/15/2016 - Show Westlake Baptist Car Show

Phone: 540-529-4312  

10:00am to 1:00pm  Rain Date 10/22/2016

Pre-Register by calling 540-529-4312

Prizes for Top 10

Food Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 10/01/2016 at 12:57:40 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/30/2016 - Show 6th Annual Grand Strand Mustang Stampede MCA Nationals

Meeting at 7:00am on 9/29 @ 7:00am at Lowe's on 220.  Contact Ken Barnes for more info.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 05:42:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/26/2016 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke Veterans day parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

come show your suport !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/26/2016 at 06:01:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/20/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/17/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/16/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/10/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/03/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/01/2016 - Show MCA 40th Anniversary Celebration

September 1st through September 4th.  Contact Suzanne Beels if interested in attending.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/13/2016 at 07:16:37 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/27/2016 - Show The Secret Life of Pets

Meeting at Northwest True Value Hardware, 2913 W Main St, Salem, VA 24153 at 4:30pm

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 08/16/2016 at 07:28:47 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/20/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/19/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/16/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/13/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/07/2016 - Show 1st Annual Walmart Auto Care Center Car Show

Phone: 540-977-4955  

12PM to 7PM

All proceeds will be donated to the Children's Miracle Network

$20 to pre-register, $25 day of show

To pre-register, come by the Auto Care Center to fill out your form and pay the fee

Raffle with prizes

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/10/2016 at 01:08:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/06/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/06/2016 - RVMC EventShow Valley Mustang Unlimited 22nd annual show

Meet at Hardee's in Troutville at 8:00am

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/06/2016 at 06:43:51 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/30/2016 - RVMC EventCruise In Adam & Alison Memorial Tribute Baseball Game

Club members to wear their Mustang gear and/or ribbons to remember Adam and Alison

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/13/2016 at 07:12:47 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/19/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/16/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/15/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/09/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/02/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/25/2016 - Show Star City Motor Madness Show

Car and truck show with 400 vehicles expected from antiques to hot rods to motorcycles. Show held on Jefferson St. between Campbell Ave. and Elm Ave., on Franklin Road between Jefferson St. and Williamson Road and at Elmwood Park.

Advance Auto Parts Pit Stop

You’ll find an assortment of manufacturers set up with product demonstrations and more.

Silent Auction

Downtown on Saturday across from the library place your bid for great items with all proceeds to benefit the Virginia Museum of Transportation and other non-profits.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/10/2016 at 03:03:18 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/24/2016 - Cruise Star City Motor Madness Cruise

Classic and special interest automobiles, trucks and motorcycles cruise on Roanoke's historic "strip," Williamson Road.

"Cruise-Central" at Berglund Credit Line: park and show off your vehicle and enjoy food and entertainment.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/10/2016 at 03:01:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/18/2016 - Show Gate City Triad 34th Annual Mustang & Ford Powered Show


8:00AM to 4:00PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2016 at 12:27:40 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/18/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/17/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/11/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/04/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/21/2016 - Show 7th Annual Mountain View Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-591-2180  

We encourage you to register your antique, classic, or special interest car by May 13th to secure your spot. This show is limited to the first 50 cars, so don’t delay! Tents up to 10’ X 10’ allowed. Food will be available for purchase. A limited number of spaces are available for vendors of car memorabilia, vintage parts, car care, etc.

The Entrance Fee is $10 in advance or $15 the day of show.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 03/16/2016 at 09:53:20 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/21/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/20/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/17/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/14/2016 - Cruise Armed Forces Day parade

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Starting at 10am Be there by 9 am to get lined up . contact Bobby for more info

Parade Packet Flyer

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/20/2016 at 12:50:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/14/2016 - Show BSA Pack & Troop 235 Car Show


Open event for all makes, models and years of cars trucks and motorcycles

BSA Pack and Troop 235

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/10/2016 at 02:55:41 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/14/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/07/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/07/2016 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 28th Annual Mustang amd Ford round up

info to come

Flyer Idea 11

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/06/2016 at 06:39:41 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/30/2016 - Cruise In Vinton Dogwood Festival Parade

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/23/2016 - Show Puzzled car,truck and bike show

$20.00 day of show $15.00 pre registration.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 05:10:19 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/23/2016 - Show Virginia Tech Car Club Spring Car Show

There will be a $5 entry fee for non-CCVT members.
The show is free to spectate.

Your entry fee to the show will include the following:
A numbered CCVT Sticker for voting purposes.
Lunch Voucher

Lunch will be served starting at 12:00. 2 Slices of pizza, chips, and soda come with every vehicle registered. Additional slices of pizza are $1.50 per slice. Sodas are $1.

Important times!
9:30 AM Group parking registration open.
10:00 AM General registration open/Group registration closed
2:00 PM Judging Begins
2:30 PM Awards Ceremony
3:00 PM Show ends

The awards for this show will include Best Japanese, Best European, Best Domestic, Best Motorcycle, Best 4x4, Best Audio, Best Project, and Best in Show.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 03/29/2016 at 09:08:56 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/19/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2016 - RVMC EventCruise National Mustang Day

We will meet at Lowe's on 220 at 7:00am, pulling out at 7:10am.  Reminder:  It is a four and a half hour drive to get there.  Expected arrival time will be between 11:30am and Noon. 


Fee at the gate to enter the dragway is $20.00 per person (kids 10 and under free)


Event is from 9:00am until 6:00pm



april 17 2-16

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 05:14:12 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/16/2016 - Cruise In Pit Stop Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/15/2016 - Cruise In Buchanan Block Party

Celebrate life in small town America during Buchanan’s Third Friday Block Party.

Join us the third Friday of each month April through September as folks gather to enjoy an evening on the Town much like they did in the 1950’s. Drive to Town, meet up with friends, enjoy dinner, shopping and a show.

Activities include an Antique Auto Cruise In, Music, extended hours, a Community Market, and more.

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s new restaurants & specialty shops including; Brink of the James Bistro, Swinging Bridge Café, the Buchanan Fountain & Grill, Good Times Café, Roanoke Bagel and Gillian’s Homemade Donuts!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/09/2016 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

4PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/02/2016 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM First Saturday of every month - April through September

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/11/2016 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

03/15/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/12/2016 - Cruise St.Patrick's Day parade

Line up starts at 9 am . Parade starts 11 am rain or shine . contact Bobby If you wish to participate 540-293-0118

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/01/2016 at 08:10:49 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/10/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting BOARD MEETING


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/10/2016 at 05:11:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/06/2016 - RVMC EventShow the MDA Car show

You will find our booth in car club alley . We need members to come out and help man our booth and let possible new members know how great our club is !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 04:52:35 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/05/2016 - RVMC EventShow MDA Car Show

The Club will have a booth set up in the car club alley . we ask members to come out and help man our booth !! The event will be Friday through Sunday, the 4th through the 6th.


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 04:56:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/04/2016 - RVMC EventShow MDA Car Show

The Club will have a booth set up in the car club alley . we ask members to come out and help man our booth !! The event will be Friday through Sunday, the 4th through the 6th.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 04:46:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/23/2016 - Meeting Snow date forMonthly Meeting

same place same time we hope no snow

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/21/2016 at 04:09:52 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/16/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/19/2016 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/24/2016 at 09:31:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/16/2016 - RVMC EventCruise In January Bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will meet at lee High lanes 12:30 pm and enjoy fellowship and bowling . all are welcome !!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 12/17/2015 at 11:46:05 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/15/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/29/2015 - Cruise Floyd Christmas Parade

for anyone who would like to join in . we will meet at krogers on 221/ Bramalton ave at 1:30 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/24/2015 at 03:38:16 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/21/2015 - Show Fall Festival VIR

Info to come.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:44:58 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/17/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/08/2015 - RVMC EventCruise Floyd VA Veteran Parade

We will be eating at the Pine Tavern after the parade.....more information to come as announced.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:42:35 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/07/2015 - Show Roanoke city Veterans day parade

we will meet downtown roanoke at 9:30 to join in . parade starts at 11:00 am

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2015 at 08:59:47 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/07/2015 - RVMC EventCruise Roanoke Veteran's Parade

Information will be announced closer to date as it becomes available

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:41:08 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/20/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/17/2015 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

10/17/2015 - Cruise New River Gorge Bridge

Cruise to Hinton, WV to the New River Gorge Bridge.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:38:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/10/2015 - RVMC EventCruise In Alison & Adam Memorial Cruise In

EMail:  Phone: 540-494-2234  

For additional information please contact Michelle at 540-494-2234 or Luis at 540-467-3651 or  Event is rain or shine.  All car makes and bikes welcome!

Flyer for Benefit Cruise In1

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/15/2015 at 10:40:16 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/04/2015 - RVMC EventCruise Buchanan Soda Shop

Phone: 540-293-0118  


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:37:15 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/03/2015 - Cruise In Dogtoberfest

Meet to present St. Francis with donation for 2015


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:35:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/26/2015 - Cruise In Fly-In/Cruise-In

Phone: 336-625-6078  

Get your car photographed with a P51 Mustang!  All proceeds benefit the NC Aviation Museum.  11am-4pm.  Vendors on hand and prints available the day of the event.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:34:17 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/26/2015 - RVMC EventCruise In Hulls Drive in

Phone: 540-293-0118  


Cruise In Night Hulls

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/15/2015 at 11:08:29 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/26/2015 - Show virginia museum of transportation donation day .

Phone: 540-293-0118  

we will meat at the Museum at 10:00 am

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/20/2015 at 01:34:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/19/2015 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/19/2015 - Show Big Max Car, Truck and Tractor Shows

Phone: 276-694-7421  

Pre-register fee is $25.  Day of show, registration fee is $30.00.  Awards to 1st 50 who pre-register.  Top 60 per show.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:31:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/19/2015 - Cruise In Duncan Ford Rocky Mount

None Available

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:28:42 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/15/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/12/2015 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/05/2015 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/29/2015 - Show Fun Ford Weekend


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:25:19 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/22/2015 - Show Winston Salem Car Show

Price is unknown for registration. 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:19:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/18/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/16/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting Annual Club Picnic

More details to come. 

Created by Milly Clark on 06/14/2015 at 06:01:30 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/15/2015 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/15/2015 - Show VA Hospital Show

Price unknown.  Can check with Star City Cruisers for more information.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:17:49 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/08/2015 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/01/2015 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/01/2015 - RVMC EventShow Valley Mustang Unlimited

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will meet at Hardee's in Troutville at 7 am to cruise up together . Call Bobby for more info

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/15/2015 at 05:50:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/25/2015 - Cruise In Starlight Drive Inn Movie Night

Gates Open at 7pm.  Movie starts at approximately 9:30pm.  Movie being shown is Minions.  Price is $6.00 per person, $4 for children under 12.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/22/2015 at 10:14:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/21/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/18/2015 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/18/2015 - Show Big Mac car show

Phone: 540-293-0118  

call Bobby for more info

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/15/2015 at 05:46:21 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/11/2015 - Cruise cruise to tale of the dragon

Phone: 540-293-0118  

more info please call Bobby

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/15/2015 at 05:41:48 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/11/2015 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/04/2015 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/27/2015 - Show Star City Motor Madness

Car and truck show with 400 vehicles expected from antiques to hot rods to motorcycles.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/26/2015 - Cruise In Star City Motor Madness

Cruise Williamson Road, Roanoke's main drag for cruising since the 1950s. Open to any "classic" or "special interest" car that creates a feeling of nostalgia, stimulates a memory or fulfills a fantasy. Spectators are invited to line both sides of Williamson Road to enjoy the cruise

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/20/2015 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/20/2015 - Show Gate City Triad Mustang Club 33rd Annual Show

EMail:  Phone: 336-932-5645  

Registration 8:00am to Noon. those who want to go we will be meeting at Lowes on 220 at 7 am call Bobby for more info

GCTMC 2015

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/31/2015 at 02:23:20 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/16/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/14/2015 - Show Fun Ford Weekend - Virginia Motorsports Park

Car Show, Drag Racing, Midway, and Swap Meet

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:27:17 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/13/2015 - Show Fun Ford Weekend - Virginia Motorsports Park

Car Show, Drag Racing, Midway, and Swap Meet those who are going meet at Food Lion 460 Bonsack 6 am

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:27:17 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/13/2015 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/07/2015 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

Phone: 717-243-7855  

The entire family will enjoy the largest and most thrilling all-Ford event in the world. Ford, Mercury and Lincoln fans will have a showcase of over 2,800 vehicles to check out on the National Parts Depot showfield. During this event, you will enjoy great indoor displays of concepts, customs and historically-significant cars and trucks; test drives by Ford Motor Company, a burnout competition, activities for the kids, industry guests, giveaways, autocross for all skill levels and club gatherings. The excitement continues with a shopping experience you won’t soon forget as part of the enormous swap meet, car corral and the Manufacturers Midway for the best in parts buying. - See more at:

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:11:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/06/2015 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/19/2015 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/06/2015 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

Phone: 717-243-7855  

The entire family will enjoy the largest and most thrilling all-Ford event in the world. Ford, Mercury and Lincoln fans will have a showcase of over 2,800 vehicles to check out on the National Parts Depot showfield. During this event, you will enjoy great indoor displays of concepts, customs and historically-significant cars and trucks; test drives by Ford Motor Company, a burnout competition, activities for the kids, industry guests, giveaways, autocross for all skill levels and club gatherings. The excitement continues with a shopping experience you won’t soon forget as part of the enormous swap meet, car corral and the Manufacturers Midway for the best in parts buying. - See more at:

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:11:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/05/2015 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

Phone: 717-243-7855  

The entire family will enjoy the largest and most thrilling all-Ford event in the world. Ford, Mercury and Lincoln fans will have a showcase of over 2,800 vehicles to check out on the National Parts Depot showfield. During this event, you will enjoy great indoor displays of concepts, customs and historically-significant cars and trucks; test drives by Ford Motor Company, a burnout competition, activities for the kids, industry guests, giveaways, autocross for all skill levels and club gatherings. The excitement continues with a shopping experience you won’t soon forget as part of the enormous swap meet, car corral and the Manufacturers Midway for the best in parts buying. - See more at:

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:11:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/23/2015 - Show SVT Superfest at V I R

 Regisyton is on line . will meet at Lowes 220 at 8:00 am to cruise down . for More info contact Thomas . 540.293.5159

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/21/2015 at 11:08:23 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/19/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/16/2015 - Cruise D-Day Memorial Cruise

contact Luis for more info !

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/21/2015 at 10:57:50 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/16/2015 - RVMC EventCruise VA Hospital Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meet there at *:00 am . Parade starts at 9:00 am . Contact Bobby for more info

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/21/2015 at 10:54:51 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/02/2015 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 27th Annual Mustang & Ford Powered Round Up

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

A portion of event proceeds benefit St. Francis Service Dogs, Mill Mountain Zoo, & The Virginia Museum of Transportation

Registration on day of event begins at 8:00am and closes at 12 noon. Goody bag for the first 100 registered vehicles.

2015 Flyer-No Background
2015 Flyer

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 08:54:40 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/25/2015 - Show Puzzeled car show

Meet at Hartys Troutville at 8:00 am cruise up rt 11 to show . Contact Bobby for Detales

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/21/2015 at 11:02:26 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/20/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/28/2015 - RVMC EventCruise Peaks of otter cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

we will meet at food lion on 460 at 12 noon . then cruise up parkway to peaks of otter to eat

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/22/2015 at 11:19:40 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/22/2015 - Show 2015 Virginia Motor Trend International Auto Show

No information yet

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:49:09 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/21/2015 - Show 2015 Virginia Motor Trend International Auto Show

No information yet

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:49:09 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/20/2015 - Show 2015 Virginia Motor Trend International Auto Show

No information yet

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:49:09 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/16/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/08/2015 - RVMC EventShow 35th Annual MDA Car Show

The MDA Car Show is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the community a quality car show and donating the profits to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:18:36 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/07/2015 - RVMC EventShow 35th Annual MDA Car Show

The MDA Car Show is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the community a quality car show and donating the profits to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:18:36 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/06/2015 - RVMC EventShow 35th Annual MDA Car Show

The MDA Car Show is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the community a quality car show and donating the profits to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:18:36 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/21/2015 - RVMC EventShow RVMC Bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Club will have our monthly outing at Lee High Lanes bowling Saturday Febuary 21 2015 . Bring a friend and lets have Fun !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/23/2015 at 06:52:37 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/16/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/01/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/31/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/30/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/29/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/28/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/27/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/26/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/25/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/24/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/23/2015 - Show Washington Auto Show

Washington, D.C., has long been the site of the country’s greatest ambitions for progress. The Washington Auto Show not only symbolizes the brightest and boldest dreams of the auto industry but marks the show’s transformation over the years. The Washington Auto Show® has not only become the largest public show in Washington, D.C., it’s also the premier address for showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable technologies and drawing the most influential leaders in the industry.

This year, hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many environmental and automotive visionaries, will explore the more than 700 new makes and models from over 42 manufacturers at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

The Washington Auto Show marks a new era for Washington, D.C.‘s largest public show. With its doubled time frame, from five to ten days, it’s an even bigger bonanza for area residents to enjoy the fully stocked, two-story convention center with an automotive showcase many describe as “new-car heaven.”

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:39:06 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/19/2015 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/03/2015 at 09:47:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/15/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting At Logan's

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/12/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting Dickens of a Christmas Parade

Participate in the parade

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/15/2014 at 07:37:59 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/17/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Bring Human, Cat or Dog Food for Food Drive

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/16/2014 - RVMC EventCruise Swinging Bridge Cruise

Meet at Pinkerton Chevrolet (925 N Electric Rd, Salem, VA 24153) at 1:00PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 10/20/2014 at 08:08:21 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/15/2014 - Show Mini Mustang car show

Phone: 540-293-0118  

to show off cars to scout leaders while they are on lunch break .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/10/2014 at 10:50:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/26/2014 - RVMC EventCruise In Ransone's Drug Fountain with Valley Mustangs Unlimited

Meet the Valley Mustansg Unlimited Club


We will meet at Hardee's in Troutville (2860 Lee Hwy, Troutville, VA 24175) at 1:00

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 10/20/2014 at 08:03:52 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/20/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Bring Human, Cat or Dog Food for Food Drive

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/19/2014 - RVMC EventCruise Mabry's Mill cruise

Meet at Lowe's on 220 at 1:00PM to cruise to Mabry's Mill for a meal

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/15/2014 at 07:42:03 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/11/2014 - Show craig county fall festival

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meeting at lakeside Krogers 7:00 am leaving 7:15 am as a groop . est $20.00 entry fee . not a judge show .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/04/2014 at 08:55:44 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/04/2014 - RVMC EventShow Dogtoberfest

EMail:  Phone: 540-342-3647  


Present donation


From Bobbin Doggin and PawCasso and Americanine Idol, the dogs have a great time. The dogs may even be blessed (literally!). Folks are able to strut their mutt in the Parade of Dogs. The dogs and their owners can run the agility course and try flyball to their heart's content. The kid's play area includes face painting, clowns, Moon Walks, games, and prizes. Caricaturists draw both people and dogs. Vendors sell a wide range of wonderful and unique items all day. There is a variety of food coordinated by Doggone Good Diner. 

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/15/2014 at 07:36:19 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/04/2014 - Show Patrick County Extension Office Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 276-694-3341  

The Patrick County Extension Office would like to extend an invitation to your car club to come and visit the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains and be a part of our first 4-H Classic Car, Antique Truck & Tractor Show.   The show will serve as a fundraiser to help send youth of Patrick County to 4-H Junior Camp.  All proceeds will benefit the Patrick County 4-H Junior Camp Jesse Sheppard Scholarship Program. Jesse was an outstanding 4-Her who loved serving as a leader in 4-H,  unfortunately, after graduating high school he was killed tragically in June of 2009 in an automobile accident.   In memory of Jesse, we hope to raise more funds to benefit children who have that same reserve attitude and passion for 4-H, as Jesse did.

Fundraiser Car Show Flyer

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/23/2014 at 02:29:20 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/27/2014 - RVMC EventShow Mill Mountain Zoo

Meet at the Zoo for donation presentation12:00 pm

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/15/2014 at 07:34:39 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/20/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting Virginia Transportation Museum-Volunteer

Meet at the museum 8:30 am to present donation, help dust their cars, 8:30 am then cruise to the Pine Tavern afterwards .

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/15/2014 at 07:33:56 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/15/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/12/2014 - Show Fall Rod Run

Phone: 540-293-0118  

If any one wants to go ! or wants to go to RT129 Deals Gap ! ( tail of the Dragon )

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 02:13:25 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/06/2014 - RVMC EventCruise In Duncan Ford Customer Appreciation Cruise In

10am to 3:30pm

Food provided by Faith Fellowship Church

Homestead Creamery will be there

50/50 and Silent Auction


Meet at Lowe's on 220 at 9AM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/15/2014 at 09:42:53 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/23/2014 - RVMC EventCruise In Club Picnic

Phone: 540-293-0118  

we have sight from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM    Club will Fernish hot dogs & Hambergers and Buns . Members to bring side dishes and or Deserts .  Bobby will start a list at Julys Meeting .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 02:00:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/23/2014 - Cruise In New Castle Cruise In and Carnival

A very relaxed and low key event in effort to generate foot traffic for our main street buisnesses and to provide the local crowd with something fun to do.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 07/28/2014 at 08:00:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/18/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/16/2014 - Show 6th Annual AmericanMuscle Mustang Show

11am - 5pm Gates open at 9am

The 6th Annual AmericanMuscle Mustang Show is the Northeast's largest Mustang-only event. Each year we celebrate our customer appreciation, as 2,000+ registered Mustangs and close to 5,000 enthusiasts get together for a full day packed with cars, contests, food, awards and more!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 07/10/2014 at 11:25:52 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/15/2014 - Show Floyd Auto Fair

Phone: 540-798-7898  

Last fall we had over 1,000 spectators and over 100 vendors! Tons of amazing cars, trucks, bikes, and rat rods! We had great response from everyone that attended the show and had several vendors tell us they sold more in 1 hour at the Floyd Auto Fair than they'd sold all day at the Charlotte or Bristol swap meets!!


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 02:09:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/09/2014 - RVMC EventShow 20th Annual Valley Mustangs Unlimited Mustang & Ford Powered Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-487-5042  

9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Dash Plaques to first 100 entries & Lots of Door Prizes!
Based on Cleanliness, Condition, & Workmanship

Fire Extinguisher Mandatory RVMC will meet Hardee's troutville 8am to cuuise up together.

Car Show Flier 2014

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2014 at 03:57:02 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/09/2014 - Show 4th Annual Hollins Road Church of the Brethren Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-362-0922  

11am to 2pm

games for the children along with a food stand , a dunk tank , and other activities.  a portion of the proceeds go to help support the youth camp in Fincastle , Va  camp Bethel.  we are going to have a best of show trophy and 5 top five trophies and the first 30 registered will get a dash plaque.


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 07/28/2014 at 08:09:47 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/21/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/14/2014 - Show Mustang Week

Phone: 919-274-6779  

The Twelfth Annual Mustang Week was again an overwhelming success! The Mustang Week Staff would like to extend our most sincere thanks to everyone that has helped grow Mustang Week into the premier Mustang and SVT-based event of the year. We are constantly blown away as Mustang Week continues to steadily grow. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the help of the Mustang Week sponsors and participants. We are grateful for the support they continue to give. The Staff understands what it takes in this economy for people to attend a week-long event. Simply put, without you Mustang Week simply would not happen.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 02:21:07 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/12/2014 - RVMC EventCruise Bent Mountain Bistro cruse

Phone: 540-920-8013  

we will meet at lowes 220 at 9:00 am leave by 9:30 cruise down Parkway stopping along the way then turning on to 221 driving to restarant being there by 12:00 . ( Lunch time )

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 07/07/2014 at 09:07:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2014 - RVMC EventShow 32nd Annual GCTMC Mustang&Ford Powered Show

Show location in the parking lot of Home Depot at the corner of Wendover Ave & Bridford Pkwy (GSO)

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 02:28:02 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2014 - Show Gate City Triad 32nd Mustang Show

EMail:  Phone: 336-932-5645  

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Dash plaques & Goodie Bags for the first 100 cars registered

32nd Gate City Triad Show

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2014 at 04:30:52 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2014 - Show VWCC Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-728-1563  

9am-3pm ( registration 8am-noon)

100% proceeds benefits Men's Basketball program

All makes and models welcome

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 06/09/2014 at 08:38:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/16/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/14/2014 - Cruise In 1st Annual Mustang Charity Cruise (Eden, NC)

Phone: 336-612-5253  

Meeting at Eden AutoZone parking lot for cruise in 12pm to 4pm then taking a cruise through historic downtown area. There will be door prizes to be raffled off.
COST: A food / cash donation.

All proceeds going to Second Harvest Food Bank. All Mustangs, Cobras, and SVT's welcome to cruise in/ cruise. Everyone welcome to donate or just come look and have a good time. For more info contact Joe at (336)-612-5253

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/16/2014 at 07:46:31 am  Add event to your calendar

06/14/2014 - RVMC EventShow Fun Ford Weekend

Phone: 540-293-0118  

We will be meeting at 6:00 AM on 460 at Denny's 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/26/2014 at 01:53:17 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/08/2014 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

See website


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2014 at 04:50:47 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/07/2014 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

See website


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2014 at 04:49:13 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/06/2014 - Show Carlisle Ford Nationals

See website


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2014 at 04:42:38 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/19/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/17/2014 - Show Benefit Car Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-586-3933  

Benefit car show for a student battling non Hodgkin's lymphoma

BSTC Car Show 2014

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/09/2014 at 01:17:20 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/03/2014 - RVMC EventShow RVMC 26th Annual Mustang & Ford Powered Round Up

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

A portion of event proceeds benefit St. Francis Service Dogs, Mill Mountain Zoo, & The Virginia Museum of Transportation

Registration on day of event begins at 8:00am and closes at 12 noon. Goody bag for the first 100 registered vehicles.

2014 Flyer
2014 Poster

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/23/2014 at 06:12:51 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/21/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/16/2014 - RVMC EventShow MCA 50Th

start of the 50th celebration

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/22/2014 at 04:37:41 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/17/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/15/2014 - RVMC EventShow St Patricks day parade 2014

Phone: 840-293-0118  

Will meet at 10 am on jefferson st and Albemarle ave .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/23/2014 at 06:48:51 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/07/2014 - RVMC EventShow MDA car show

 Friday , Sayurday , and Sunday

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/22/2014 at 04:34:00 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/17/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:19:04 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/15/2014 - RVMC EventCruise In February Bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

1:00 pm to ?

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/05/2014 at 07:25:37 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/27/2014 - Show car show committee metting


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/22/2014 at 04:30:11 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/20/2014 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club
Discuss club business
Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/21/2014 at 06:18:57 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/16/2013 - RVMC EventShow December meeting

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Will be meeting at Logan's for our Dec. monthly meeting . 6 pm to eat 7 for meeting . can call Bobby for more info

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/19/2013 at 05:42:27 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/13/2013 - RVMC EventShow Roanoke City Parade

Phone: 540-293-0118  

lets get into the Christmas spirit !!!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/27/2013 at 12:56:00 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/18/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/09/2013 - RVMC EventShow Peak of otter cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Let's cruise to the peaks and have lunch !! maybe even go up the peaks ??!! 

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/06/2013 at 07:06:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/03/2013 - RVMC EventShow mill mountan cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 we will meet 12:00 pm at lowes 220 then cruise up to zoo via parkway .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/27/2013 at 12:46:49 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/21/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/19/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/13/2013 - RVMC EventCruise Pine Tavern Cruise

Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meeting at Lowes 220 at 1:30 pm then cruise up park way to route 8 north then to 221 in floyd .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 09/16/2013 at 08:37:46 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/12/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/05/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/05/2013 - Show Dogtober fest

  10 to 4

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 10/04/2013 at 08:39:37 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/28/2013 - Show 33rd annual mustang ford show

EMail:  Phone: 704-617-3696  

 limited to 250 cars . first 150 get a dash plack judging (modifed MCA )

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 06/16/2013 at 03:02:15 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/28/2013 - Show Duncan Ford Cruise In

Phone: 540-483-0253  


Meeting at Lowes 220 at 10:00 am to cruise down together !


Annual Customer Appreciation Day and Charity Event

11am - 3pm

All Cruise-In participants will be netered into a drwing for many fabulous prizes including:

All makes and models welcome


Service Department open 7:30 until 2, call for an appointment.  $9.95 Oil Changes


50/50 Drawing, Free Hotdogs, Facepainting, B99 Show on the Go!

Duncan Flyer

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/19/2013 at 08:32:01 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/28/2013 - Show Harvest Ministries Hot Rod Cruise In

Phone: 540-977-5565  

10AM - 3PM

Trophies will be awarded for


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/23/2013 at 09:11:41 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/21/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/21/2013 - Show Belmont Christian Church 10th Annual Car Show

Belmont Christian Church invites you co the tenth annual car show. 6 Trophies, 4 best in shows. 50/50, food/drink/bake sale, Silent auction. 9:00am to 2:00 pm

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/29/2013 at 02:37:12 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/21/2013 - Show Carfest 14th Annual

Carfest 14th Annual Carshow. 12-6 PM, All Vehicles welcome.first 150 entries gets a car plaque. Trophies to top 25 and kids choice

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/29/2013 at 02:25:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/16/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/14/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/07/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/24/2013 - RVMC EventShow SCMC/Parkway Ford's SVT, Mustang, and Ford Show

EMail:  Phone: 803-371-0725  

10:00AM - 4:00PM

Pro-Dyno will be there to dyno tune your car or just put it up on the rollers to see how much horsepower you have at the rear wheels.

Free event shirt. The first 50 to preregister prior to August 1, 2013

We will be giving away "free" raffle prizes from: (Alphabetical Order)
Late Model Restoration
Mustangs Unlimited
Parkway Ford
Pro-Dyno, LLC

2013 Parkway Registration

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 07/28/2013 at 02:35:40 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/19/2013 - Show Lynn Haven Baptist church

Cruisin for Christ 9 th Annual Car show 9an to 2 pm free Registration . Donations accepted .

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 08/19/2013 at 08:49:36 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/19/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/17/2013 - Show 23rd Star City Cruisers Car, Truck, & Cycle show

Star City Cruisers 23rd Annual Car, Truck, & Cycle Show. 9:00 am-3:00 pm. plaques to the first 150 registants, top 50 awards. displays allowed. Children prizes, door prizes, silent auction.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/29/2013 at 02:34:59 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/17/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/16/2013 - Cruise In Cruisin' & Groovin' in Galax

Phone: 276-235-9399  

Cars register beginning at 4:00 PM, runs until 9PM

Live remote from WBRF-FM

Contests, Food Vendors, and Restaurants in the local vicnity


Live band, "Casino Cruse" from 6PM-9PM

2013 Flyer Front

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2013 at 10:40:48 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/10/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/10/2013 - RVMC EventShow Valley Mustang Unlimited 19th Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Car/Truck Show

EMail:  Phone: 540-487-5042  

Dash Plaques to first 100 entries & Lots of Door Prizes!
Judging By MCA Abbreviated Judging Sheet
Based on Cleanliness, Condition, & Workmanship
Each car judged on its own merit by point system

Special Award For Club With Most Cars Shown
Special awards for Best Engine, Best Paint, Judges choice, President’s choice


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/19/2013 at 01:54:24 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/03/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/20/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/16/2013 - Show Mustang Week Myrtle Beach

Events Schedule - Mustang Week 2013

Tuesday - July 16,2013
Palace Theatre Meet-n-Greet
12:00PM until 4:00PM
The Palace Theatre at Broadway at the Beach

Wednesday - July 17,2013
Myrtle Beach Autocross, Circle Track Fun Runs and Burn-Out Contest
Gates Open: 9:30am
Autocross: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Speedway Fun Runs: 10:00pm - 5:00pm
Burnout Contest: 5:30pm
Wheels of Destruction Thrill Show: 7:15pm
Free to all paid Mustang Week Speedway participants!
Myrtle Beach Speedway

Thursday - July 18,2013
5.0 Magazine Dyno Challenge
Myrtle Beach Mall; times/details TBA
Meet at Hooters
meet up prior to 12:00PM. then 12:00PM to 1:30PM cruise to Darlington Drag Strip
Darlington Drag Night3:00PM until 11:00PM
Hooters NMB
10133 North Kings Highway
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Darlington Dragway

Friday - July 19,2013
8th Annual Car Show at Myrtle Beach Mall
Registration from 9:00AM until 11:00AM
Judging 11:00AM until 4:00PM
Awards on Saturday the 20th at 3:00PM
Myrtle Beach Mall
the Myrtle Beach Mall is located at the intersection of highways 22 and 17.

Saturday - July 21, 2012
Southeast largest Mustang and SVT Cruise-In
Southeast largest Mustang and SVT Cruise-In at Colonial Mall from 12:00PM until 6:00PM
Car Show Awards at 3:00PM

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/03/2013 at 07:59:32 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/15/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/13/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/12/2013 - Cruise In Cruisin' & Groovin' in Galax

Phone: 276-235-9399  

Cars register beginning at 4:00 PM, runs until 9PM

Live remote from WBRF-FM

Contests, Food Vendors, and Restaurants in the local vicnity


Live band, "Craig Wollard Band" from 6PM-9PM

2013 Flyer Front

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2013 at 10:40:44 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/06/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/04/2013 - Show MCA National Show


RVMC Members can e-mail me for details, but read what I have posted on Face Book and RVMC website, it is all there. I'll post a room price as soon as I have it, depending on what is available

Created by Bob Leary on 07/05/2012 at 12:13:29 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/29/2013 - Show Star City Motor Madness (Show)


Show held on Jefferson St. between Campbell Ave. and Elm Ave., on Franklin Road between Jefferson St. and Williamson Road and at Elmwood Park.


Featured Marque in 2012 - Vintage Street Rodders of America


Advance Auto Parts Pit Stop
You’ll find an assortment of manufacturers set up with product demonstrations and more.

Live Radio Remote with Q-99 FM

Silent Auction
Downtown on Saturday across from the library (and Friday night at Berglund Credit Line) place your bid for great items with all proceeds to benefit the Virginia Museum of Transportation and other non-profits.

Music in the Market Building
Star City Motor Madness will hold an after-car-show music event on the third floor of the Market Building downtown from 7pm to 10pm with the band "Key West." Tickets $5 a person. Proceeds to benefit charity.

SCMM Flyer 2013A

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 01/03/2013 at 07:53:20 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/28/2013 - Cruise Star City Motor Madness (Cruise)

Cruise Williamson Road, Roanoke's main drag for cruising since the 1950s. Open to any "classic" or "special interest" car that creates a feeling of nostalgia, stimulates a memory or fulfills a fantasy. Spectators are invited to line both sides of Williamson Road to enjoy the cruise. Spectators Note: Please use side streets to reach your destination on Williamson Road, leaving the road open just for cruising vehicles. Outside lanes open only to cruising vehicles.


There is a one-time $10 charge for cruiser parking that may be paid at Berglund Credit Line. This entitles cruisers to park there throughout the night. (Parking is limited.) Overflow parking is across the street for $5. Those wishing to show their car the next day may register Friday night at Berglund Credit Line or pre-register beforehand.

SCMM Flyer 2013A

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/22/2013 at 08:10:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/21/2013 - Cruise In Cruisin' & Groovin' in Galax

Phone: 276-235-9399  

Cars register beginning at 4:00 PM, runs until 9PM

Live remote from WBRF-FM

Contests, Food Vendors, and Restaurants in the local vicnity


Live band, "The Attractions" from 6PM-9PM

2013 Flyer Front

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/06/2013 at 10:39:25 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/17/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/15/2013 - Show 31st Annual GCTMC Mustang and Ford Show

8:oo AM - 3:00 PM


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 10:49:34 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/15/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/08/2013 - RVMC EventCruise D_Day Cruise

EMail:  Phone: 540-293-0118  

Meet at food lion 460 bonsack at 8:00 am

Cruise to bedford on 460 to D-Day memorial $8.00 per person to enter

Cruise to Smith Mountain Lake Dam

Plan to bring your own lunch and we will eat at dam, then cruise on around lake back to roanoke.  


Any questions or suggestions call Bobby!

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 05/29/2013 at 01:15:05 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/08/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/01/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/20/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Board Member Elections


Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/18/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/18/2013 - Cruise Armed Forces Day Parade

EMail:  Phone: (540) 904-2887  

The annual Armed Forces Day Parade for Veterans will be held on 18 May 2013. Parade route is from the Virginia Veterans Center to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salem, Va.
The Stonewall Jackson Chapter will host a membership table at the Virginia Veterans Care Center beginning at 0800.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/13/2013 - Show SVT 20th Anniversary Celebration - 2013 SVT Superfest


Meeting at Lowe's 220south at 6:00am. Fastest Weekend of the year!

Contact Donnie Bryant for any questions.


The car show entry fee is to cover your carload of friends and family along with the following items:

One entry into the car show (Includes judged, display, or pony corral)

Add a poster, tee shirt, and parade laps (Plus $30.00)

1. One event tee shirt (You can purchase extras on line)
2. One event poster
3. Three days of parade laps (Lunchtime only)

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/13/2013 at 07:15:48 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/11/2013 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/05/2013 - Show Roanoke Valley Mustang Club 25th Annual Celebration

The Show was moved to Sunday May 5 2013 


A portion of event proceeds benefit St. Francis Service Dogs, Mill Mountain Zoo, and The Virginia Museum of Transportation


2013 Flyer

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 04/02/2013 at 08:37:51 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/04/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/04/2013 - Cruise In Street Survival School

EMail:  Phone: (502) 649-4871  

Ages 15 to 21.
The Tire Rack Street Survival school is a safe teen program designed to go beyond today’s required driver’s education and give teens across the U.S. the driving tools and hands-on experience to become safer, smarter drivers. Trained and qualified in-car driving instructors as well as classroom experience for each student.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/28/2013 - RVMC EventCruise In Hot Rods in the Park

For those wanting to participate in the HOT RODS IN THE PARK event, Sunday April 28th, be at the park at the score board field entrance NO LATER THAN 3:00 PM. The game starts at 4pm. RVMC will drive onto the warning track, behind home plate then stop along the outfield wall close to the score board and exit our cars. We will salute as the national anthem will be played while WE are on the warning track and in full view of the crowd. After the anthem, we'll drive off the warning track and park. The Red Sox will have reduced price tickets for anyone taking part in this event, cost unknown at this time.

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 03/04/2013 at 01:23:36 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/27/2013 - RVMC EventShow Vinton Dogwood Festival

more details to follow> This will be a club outing. This show is hosted by the Roanoke Region AACA.

Created by Suzanne Beels on 03/27/2013 at 04:28:51 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/20/2013 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/17/2013 - Show National Mustang Day

April 17th is Ford Mustang Day – the commemoration of the day the Mustang was first introduced to the public in 1964. Most new cars are released in fall of the year titled for the next year, so the first Mustang was titled a ’64 1/2.

Created by Suzanne Beels on 02/02/2013 at 07:40:36 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/15/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/06/2013 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/24/2013 - Show Virginia International Auto show

10am - 6pm

Adults (13 & over) $9

Senior Citizens (62 & over) $5

Active Military (w/ID) $5

Children (7–12)* $3

Children (6 & under) FREE

Family Day (12 & under) FREE* *Family Day is Sunday, March 24 All children 12 & under admitted FREE with paying adult.

College Two-fer Students with valid university ID can purchase one adult admission ticket and receive a free adult admission ticket, valid Friday only (not valid with any other offer or discount). FREE Motor Trend Subscription is sponsored by Greater Richmond New Car Dealers Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/23/2013 - Show Virginia International Auto show

10am - 9pm

Adults (13 & over) $9

Senior Citizens (62 & over) $5

Active Military (w/ID) $5

Children (7–12)* $3

Children (6 & under) FREE

Family Day (12 & under) FREE* *Family Day is Sunday, March 24 All children 12 & under admitted FREE with paying adult.

College Two-fer Students with valid university ID can purchase one adult admission ticket and receive a free adult admission ticket, valid Friday only (not valid with any other offer or discount). FREE Motor Trend Subscription is sponsored by Greater Richmond New Car Dealers Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/22/2013 - Show Virginia International Auto show

10am - 9pm

Adults (13 & over) $9

Senior Citizens (62 & over) $5

Active Military (w/ID) $5

Children (7–12)* $3

Children (6 & under) FREE

Family Day (12 & under) FREE* *Family Day is Sunday, March 24 All children 12 & under admitted FREE with paying adult.

College Two-fer Students with valid university ID can purchase one adult admission ticket and receive a free adult admission ticket, valid Friday only (not valid with any other offer or discount). FREE Motor Trend Subscription is sponsored by Greater Richmond New Car Dealers Association.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/18/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/03/2013 - Show 33rd MDA Car Show

10am - 5pm

Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc.

FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction


Adults $12.00

Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE!

Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/02/2013 - Show 33rd MDA Car Show

9am - 10pm

Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc.

FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction


Adults $12.00

Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE!

Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/01/2013 - Show 33rd MDA Car Show

5pm - 10pm

Presented by: The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee, Inc.

FEATURING: 2 Full floors of cars and vendors Model Car Contest Silent Auction


Adults $12.00

Kids $3 Children under 3 FREE!

Weekend Passes Available

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/18/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/16/2013 - RVMC EventCruise Feb Bowling

Phone: 540-293-0118  

 it will be $3.40 per game to bowl no shoe rental , please rsvp to Bobby

Created by Bobby LaPrade on 02/03/2013 at 04:52:27 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/10/2013 - Show 51st Annual Rods & Customs Car Show

Phone: (804)225-8877   

10am - 6:30pm The East Coasts Biggest & Largest Indoor Rod & Custom Show is Known Up & Down the Coast for its Unique and Unusal Trophies and Laid Back Atmosphere.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/09/2013 - Show 51st Annual Rods & Customs Car Show

Phone: 804-225-8877  

10am - 10pm

The East Coasts Biggest & Largest Indoor Rod & Custom Show is Known Up & Down the Coast for its Unique and Unusal Trophies and Laid Back Atmosphere.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/08/2013 - Show 51st Annual Rods & Customs Car Show

Phone: 804-225-8877  

3pm - 10pm

The East Coasts Biggest & Largest Indoor Rod & Custom Show is Known Up & Down the Coast for its Unique and Unusal Trophies and Laid Back Atmosphere.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

01/21/2013 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 12/10/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

12/31/2012 - Show RVMC DUES

Last day to pay reduced RVMC dues  $15.00, goes back to original $20.00 Jan. 1, 2013

Created by Bob Leary on 12/05/2012 at 07:06:14 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/19/2012 - RVMC EventShow NOV MEETING


Created by Bobby LaPrade on 11/12/2012 at 05:44:59 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

11/19/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Bring a can of food for a food drive to support local food banks.  Representatives from the Saint Francis Service Dogs will be present to receive their sponsorship money from the car show.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:02:05 pm  Add event to your calendar

10/27/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/27/2012 - Cruise In Pinkerton Cruise In

Sponsored by Star City Pontiac

3PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

10/20/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/15/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Bring a can of food for a food drive to support local food banks.  Representatives from the Children's Miracle Network will be present to receive their sponsorship money from the car show.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:01:19 pm  Add event to your calendar

10/14/2012 - RVMC EventCruise Pine Tavern Cruise

Phone: 540-745-4482  

Meet at Lowe's on 220 by 1:30pm

Meals are Family Style:


View Larger Map

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/18/2012 at 08:24:24 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/13/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/06/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/06/2012 - RVMC EventCruise In DogtoberFest

10AM to 4PM


Canine Cake Walk
Lucky Ball
Doggy Limbo
Bobbin Doggin’ Pupsicles
Obstacle Course
Doggy Day Spa Agility
Parade of Dogs (1 PM)
NEW Crafts for Kids & Dogs PawCasso
Doggone Good Diner
Blessing of the Animals Face Painting
CGC Testing (11-3)
Music & More!


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/18/2012 at 07:36:57 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

10/06/2012 - Show Heart of Carolina Mustang Club 2012 Show

Registration: 9:00 AM
Judging: 10:30AM - 1:00PM
Trophies: 2:00 PM
Show Fees: $20
Display Only: $10

Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing with proceeds going to Wounded Warriors and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. DJ/Live Performance, Food, and Restrooms will be available.


We will have a special guest at our upcoming HCMC Car Show from Ford Racing. Noted auto journalist and author John Clor, a former SVT PR man who today manages Ford Racing’s club outreach program and the Enthusiast section on web site, will be on-site at our 10/6 HCMC show for a special Ford Racing "Meet-n-Greet." He’ll be giving away FREE full-color Boss 302 posters and 2012 Ford Racing Performance Parts CD catalogs to the first 100 attendees who stop by his tent. Don’t miss this chance to meet our club's very own Ford connection from Dearborn!

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/30/2012 at 10:10:40 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/29/2012 - Show 2nd Annual Custom Car/Truck/Bike Show

Show Hours: 8:00 am to

Registration: $20.00 Pre-Registration $15.00 by Aug 25 call 540-977-5701

Youth, Pastor, Peoples Choice Awards

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/29/2012 - Show 4th Annual Classic Car/Truck/Bike Show

Show Hours: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Registration Starts 8:00 am

Registration: $20.00

Participation Plaque, 4 participants choice

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/29/2012 - Show Fifth Annual Car and Truck Show

Sponsored by: Old Dominion Cruisers

Show Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Registration: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 before Sept 29

Awards: 1st Place in 6 classes plus best of show

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/29/2012 - Cruise In Outlaw Cruisers Cruise In

$50.00 cash drawings at each Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/22/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/22/2012 - Cruise In VIN Etching Event

Phone: 540-853-6781  

10AM to 2PM


By the Virginia State Police, hosted by Roanoke City Sheriff's Office

All vehicles carry a federally-assigned number known as a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Making sure those numbers are marked permanently on a vehicle's windows steers thieves away. Why? Well, for one thing, disposing of a vehicle whose windows have been VIN etched takes time, trouble and money, all in short supply for thieves. That's because the windows of stolen VIN Etched vehicles must be stripped and replaced before a thief can get rid of the car, a costly and time-consuming process. And VIN Etching obliterates any potential profit professional thieves might have gleaned from the lucrative practice of selling windows and windshields for parts via chop shops.


Vin Etching is simple, fast, safe, relatively inexpensive and won't mar the look of the vehicle. Numbers are etched into the glass with a chemical solution. And those numbers will be there for good.


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/18/2012 at 07:28:54 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/17/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:00:35 pm  Add event to your calendar

09/15/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/15/2012 - Cruise In Duncan Ford Customer Appreciation Day

Duncan Ford Lincoln in Blacksburg, VA., Duncan's Hokie Honda in Christiansburg, VA. and Duncan Ford in Rocky Mount, VA. is having a Customer Appreciation Day on-site at the respective dealerships. The event will be Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 09/14/2012 at 07:25:14 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/08/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

09/01/2012 - Show 2nd Annual Alleghany Highlands Community Bash

Phone: 540-962-4971  

2:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Car Show: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Best in Show, Best 4x4, Best Antique

To enter call 540-962-4971 before August 24th

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

09/01/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/30/2012 - RVMC EventShow Salem Red Sox Baseball game

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

We have Salem Red Sox Tickets still available for club members, come on out to enjoy a game, $1.00 Beer Night.

Created by Luis Garcia on 08/28/2012 at 11:23:10 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/26/2012 - Show 24th Annual Rod Run To the Park

Sponsored by The Valley Cruisers of Harrisonburg VA

Show Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Registration: $20.00 Pre-Registration $16.00 before August 13

Dash Plaques first 250

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/25/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/20/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:59:35 pm  Add event to your calendar

08/18/2012 - Show 18th Annual Mustang and Ford Powered Car/Truck Show

Show Hours: 9:00 am to

Registration: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 by August 10

Awards based on merit by point system

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/18/2012 - Show 22nd Annual Car, Truck and Cycle Show

Sponsored by: Star City Cruisers

The Veterans Voluntary Support Services

Show Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Registration: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 by August 1st

Top 50 awards

Rain Date Aug 25

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/18/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/18/2012 - Show Car Show for the Arts

Proceeds for Rocky Mount Center for the Arts

Show Hours: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Registration: $20.00

Top 150 and 7 Best in Show Classes

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/18/2012 - Cruise In Outlaw Cruisers Cruise In

$50.00 cash drawings at each Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/11/2012 - Show 34th Annual Streetscene 2012

Sponsored By: Kars Unlimited

Show Hours: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Registration Starts: 7:00 am

Dash Plaques to All Entrants

Registration: $10.00 Pre-registration $12.00 by July 31

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/11/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

08/04/2012 - Show 4th Annual Bath County Wings & Wheels Festival

Air and Car Show hosted by Bath County Parks & Recreation

Car Show Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Air Show Hours: 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Registration Fee: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 before 8/4/12

Peoples Choice Award

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

08/04/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/28/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/28/2012 - Cruise In Pinkerton Cruise In

Sponsored by Star City Pontiac

3PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/28/2012 - Show Vinton Community Car Show

Show Hours: 7:30 am till

Top 20 and Best in Show

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/21/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/21/2012 - Cruise In Outlaw Cruisers Cruise In

$50.00 cash drawings at each Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/20/2012 - Cruise In Moneta Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

07/16/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:58:46 pm  Add event to your calendar

07/14/2012 - Cruise In audiotronics Cruise In

EMail:  Phone: 540-400-0400  

Rain or Shine

10AM to 4PM

No admission fee, no tents allowed

Lunch provided for each driver, additional meals available for $8

Huge garage sale all day

Door prizes every hour

RSVP to or 540-400-0400

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 07/10/2012 at 08:21:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/14/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/07/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

07/04/2012 - Show 13th Annual 4th of July Car and Bike Show in Downtown Culpeper

Feature Car Is the Classic Mustangs (1964-1973)

Show Hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Over 50 Awards

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/30/2012 - Cruise In Outlaw Cruisers Cruise In

$50.00 cash drawings at each Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/30/2012 - Show Star City Motor Madness Show

Car and truck show with 500 vehicles expected from antiques to hot rods to motorcycles.

Show held on Jefferson St. between Campbell Ave. and Elm Ave., on Franklin Road between Jefferson St. and Williamson Road and at Elmwood Park.

Featured Marque in 2012 - TO BE ANNOUNCED

Advance Auto Parts Pit Stop
You’ll find an assortment of manufacturers set up with product demonstrations and more.

Live Radio Remote with Q-99 FM
Inflatable Slide – Weather Permitting

Silent Auction
Downtown on Saturday across from the library (and Friday night at Berglund Credit Line) place your bid for great items with all proceeds to benefit the Virginia Museum of Transportation and other non-profits.


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:53:19 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/29/2012 - Cruise Star City Motor Madness Cruise Night

Cruise Williamson Road, Roanoke's main drag for cruising since the 1950s. Open to any "classic" or "special interest" car that creates a feeling of nostalgia, stimulates a memory or fulfills a fantasy. Spectators are invited to line both sides of Williamson Road to enjoy the cruise. Spectators Note: Please use side streets to reach your destination on Williamson Road, leaving the road open just for cruising vehicles. Outside lanes open only to cruising vehicles.

Cruise Central
Berglund Credit Line
(Former Woodson Pontiac Dealership)
3926 Williamson Road
Food vendor, D.J and parking for Cruisers.

There is a one-time $10 charge for cruiser parking that may be paid at Berglund Credit Line. This entitles cruisers to park there throughout the night. (Parking is limited.) Overflow parking is across the street for $5. Those wishing to show their car the next day may register Friday night at Berglund Credit Line or pre-register beforehand.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:50:43 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/23/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/23/2012 - Cruise In V.I.N. Etching

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Free

Roanoke City Sheriffs Office, Roanoke Police Department, and Virginia State Police HEAT program are sponsoring a free VIN Etching for all motor vehicles (including motorcycles)


"V.I.N." stands for vehicle identification number; this is the number that the federal government assigns every vehicle to help identify it in case of theft. The HEAT (Help Eliminate Auto Theft) program etches the VIN number into all the windows of the vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen, all the windows have to be replaced, at great expense, thereby helping to discourage theft.

HEAT provides free VIN Etching for up to 16 parts of a motorcycle. The process does not damage the motorcycle. VIN Etched parts help the police detect and identify stolen motorcycles.

Protect your vehicle and qualify for possible insurance discounts. Bring your car, truck, van or motorcycle and get it VIN Etched. It is simple, fast, and free.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 06/14/2012 at 11:54:49 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/22/2012 - Cruise In Moneta Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/18/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:58:05 pm  Add event to your calendar

06/16/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/16/2012 - RVMC EventShow Gate City Triad 30th Annual Mustang and Ford Show

EMail:  Phone: 336-932-5645  

Proceeds go to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina

Saturday, June 16, 2012

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Registration 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

No Tents

Dash Plaques for the first 100 cars registered


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 08:54:36 pm  Add event to your calendar

06/15/2012 - Show Petersburg Fun Ford Weekend

EMail:  Phone: 816-246-2022  


Price unknown at this time

Petersburg Fun Ford Ad

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/16/2012 at 08:14:51 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/09/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

06/03/2012 - Show Russell Cannaday Memorial Car Show

Benefits Boones Mill Volunteer Fire Dept

Show Hours: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Top 35 and peoples choice

Pre-registration: $15.00 Day of Show: $20.00

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

06/02/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/27/2012 - Show Outlaw Cruisers Car Club Car, Truck and Bike Show

Show Hours: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Registration: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 before May 15

Trophy 1st 100

Specialty Trophies – Food- Door Prizes – 50/50 Drawing

SOUTHERN BREEZE to be performing

Proceeds to local non-profit organizations


Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/26/2012 - Show Benefit Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show

For Big Island Volunteer Fire Department

Sponsored by: Virginia Corvette Club

Show Hours: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Registration: $20.00 Pre-registration $15.00 before May 26

Trophies, Including first responders choice

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/26/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/25/2012 - Show Car Show for Lisa's Journey

Car, truck, and motorcycle show to benefit Lisa Tuck

4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

05/21/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:56:57 pm  Add event to your calendar

05/19/2012 - Cruise In Advance Auto Cruise In

4PM to 7PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/19/2012 - Cruise In Outlaw Cruisers Cruise In

$50.00 cash drawings at each Cruise In

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/12/2012 - Cruise In Midpoint Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/05/2012 - RVMC EventShow 24th Annual RVMC Mustang and Ford Powered Round-up

EMail:  Phone: 540-467-3651  

9am to 4pm (registration 8am to Noon)

A portion of event proceeds to benefit St. Francis Service Dogs Foundation and the Children's Miracle Network

Spaces available for vendors, crafters, vehicles for sale, and an automotive flea market

Rain Date 5/6/2012 Rain or Shine

Mustangshowflyer2012color 013

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:36:28 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

05/05/2012 - Cruise In Berglund Cruise In

5PM to 9PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/21/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

04/28/2012 - Cruise In Pinkerton Cruise In

Sponsored by Star City Pontiac

3PM to 8PM

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 05/22/2012 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar

04/16/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:56:12 pm  Add event to your calendar

04/13/2012 - Cruise In Grand Cruise In

6PM until

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 04/07/2013 at 12:00:00 am  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/19/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly Club Meeting

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 05:55:19 pm  Add event to your calendar

03/04/2012 - Show 32nd MDA Car Show

Phone: 540-772-3237  



Friday, March 2nd, 2012 from 5:00PM to 10:00PM

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 from 9:00AM to 10:00PM

Sunday, March 4th, 2012 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM


Adults $10.00

Kids $3

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:09:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/03/2012 - Show 32nd MDA Car Show

Phone: 540-772-3237  



Friday, March 2nd, 2012 from 5:00PM to 10:00PM

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 from 9:00AM to 10:00PM

Sunday, March 4th, 2012 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM


Adults $10.00

Kids $3

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:09:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

03/02/2012 - Show 32nd MDA Car Show

Phone: 540-772-3237  



Friday, March 2nd, 2012 from 5:00PM to 10:00PM

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 from 9:00AM to 10:00PM

Sunday, March 4th, 2012 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM


Adults $10.00

Kids $3

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 02/22/2012 at 06:09:22 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website

02/20/2012 - RVMC EventMeeting RVMC Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club

Discuss club business

Be there by 6:15PM if you plan to eat.

Created by Kerry Mitchell on 01/16/2012 at 08:32:50 pm  Add event to your calendar   Preview website